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About Us

The Youth Ministry takes care of the youth of the Church. It meets on Mondays. Its students wing, called Pentecost Students and Associates (PENSA), operates in second cycle and tertiary institutions. It is vibrant in evangelism and leadership training.

The Ministry carries out evangelism, i.e., preaches, witnesses and wins souls; encourages the youth to participate fully in the programmes and activities of the Church and further exposes them to the various ministries within the Church.

It affords the youth the full opportunity to plan and organise programmes and activities for evangelism in schools, colleges and the tertiary institutions, and encourages them to develop their gifts and qualities of leadership, plan and organise programmes and activities that meet the peculiar needs and aspirations of the youth as well as carrying out other specialized Youth-related ministries.

About Us

Theme of the year

A Glorious Church Revived to Possess the Nations

Ephesians 3:12, 5:27

Our Mision

The Youth Ministry exists to mobilize and equip the youth through strategic programs and seasoned tools for them to live for Christ everywhere, make Him known to the world by employing a maze of evangelistic strategies, and positively impact Church and Society.

Our Vision

A holistically empowered youth living for Christ Jesus everywhere, who shall become responsible Christian adults committed to Church and Nation Building.

Core Values and Practice

Discipleship is training believers to be like Christ. The emphasis is on holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, honesty, sincerity, humility, prayerfulness and the leading of disciplined and responsible lives.